Research in Analysis at Laval University


News archives

July 2023 Congratulations to Nathan Walsh et William Verreault who were awarded the NSERC and FRQNT Scholarships (PhD).
July 2023 Congratulations to Maëva Ostermann who was awarded the INSMI post-doctoral fellowship which will be held at Université de Lille for 3 years.
July 2023 The summer school École Langlands du Centre de recherches mathématiques, organized by Alexandre Girouard, will be held at the CRM from 28 to 30 August 2023.
Sep. 2022 Congratulations to Ludovick Bouthat who was awarded the Vanier, NSERC and FRQNT Scholarships (PhD) and to Nathan Walsh who was awarded the NSERC and FRQNT Scholarships (master degree).
Sep. 2022 Congratulations to Soumtira Ghara who was awarded the INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship which will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Sep. 2021 Congratulations to Aidan Fuhrer who was an awarded NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (master degree).
Sep. 2021 Congratulations to Ryan Gibara who has been hired as visiting assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati.
May 2021 Congratulations to Pierre-Olivier Parisé who has been hired as temporary assistant professor at the University of Hawaii System, starting in fall 2021.
May 2021 Congratulations to the new scholarship recipients : Pierre-Olivier Parisé (FRQNT, postdoctoral) and William Verreault (NSERC and FRQNT, master).
Feb. 2021 The Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications will be held at the Fields Institute from July 1st to December 31st, 2021. The organizing committee is composed of Ilia Binder, Javad Mashreghi and Damir Kinzebulatov.
Aug. 2020 Congratulations to Félix Gélinas-Gascon who was an awarded NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (master degree).
May 2020 Congratulations to Jade Brisson (NSERC, Ph.D.), Pierre-Olivier Parisé (FRQNT, Ph.D.) and Ludovick Bouthat (FRQNT, master) who were awarded graduate scholarships.
Oct. 2019 Frédéric Morneau Guérin, who recently obtained his Ph.D., has been hired as Education Professor in mathematics at Université TÉLUQ. Congratulations!
Aug. 2019 Congratulations to Javad Mashreghi and Antonio Lei who have been appointed as the incoming Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, commencing on January 1st, 2020.
June 2019 Congratulations to Javad Mashreghi who has been elected President of the Canadian Mathematical Society. His mandate begins in 2020.
June 2019 Congratulations to Julian Ransford who has been awarded the Governor General's Academic Gold Medal for his master degree in mathematics (with thesis).
May 2018 Congratulations to Frédéric Morneau-Guérin (FRQNT, Ph.D.), Maëva Ostermann (FRQNT, Ph.D.), Julian Ransford (NSERC and FRQNT, Ph.D.) and Jade Brisson (NSERC, master) who were awarded graduate scholarships.
Feb. 2018 A conference will be held at Laval University, May 21-25, 2008 in celebration of Thomas Ransford's 60th birthday. All details are on the conference website.
June 2016 The analysis group is pleased to welcome Damir Kinzebulatov, who was hired as an assistant professor starting from January 1st, 2017. Professor Kinzebulatov uses harmonic analysis and operator theory techniques to study problems in complex analysis and EDPs related to mathematical physics and probability. He completed his PhD in 2012 under the supervision of Pierre Milman at the University of Toronto, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Fields Institute and he is currently a visiting professor at Indiana University.
May 2016 Two upcoming conferences:
May 2016 Congratulations to Étienne Martel and Julian Ransford who were awarded NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships (master degree). Also, Congratulations to Catherine Bilodeau, Cédric Dion, Étienne Martel, Victor Pattee-Gravel and Julian Ransford who were awarded NSERC undergraduate research scholarships.
Jan 2016 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Université Laval invites applications for a tenure-track position in harmonic analysis. The appointment will normally be at the Assistant Professor level, with a start date in summer 2016.
June 2015 Malik Younsi just received the Governor General’s Academic Medal for 2014-2015 for his Ph.D. under the supervision of Thomas Ransford. Congratulations!
Feb. 2015 Dominique Guillot, a former Ph.D. student, has been hired as Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware. Congratulations!
Sep. 2014 Frédéric Gourdeau will be awarded the 2014 Adrien Pouliot Award at the CMS winter meeting in Hamilton. Congratulations!
June 2014 Congratulations to Marie-Ailan Beaulieu who was awarded a master scholarship from FQRNT, to Samir Raouafi who was awarded a postdoctoral scholarship from FRQNT and to Malik Younsi who was awarded a postdoctoral scholarship from NSERC.
Jan. 2014 Javad Mashreghi, Thomas Ransford, Omar El-Fallah and Karim Kellay are the authors of a new book "A Primer on the Dirichlet Space ".
June 2013 Javad Mashreghi, Emmanuel Fricain and William Ross are the organizers of a conference on the 'Invariant Subspaces of the Shift Operator' which will be held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques, Montréal, August 26-30.
May 2013 Congratulations to Anick Lévesque-Gravel who was awarded a NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (master degree).
May 2013 The book Complex Analysis and Potential Theory, edited by André Boivin and Javad Mashreghi, has just been published.
Nov. 2012 The book Blaschke Products and Their Applications, edited by Javad Mashreghi and Emmanuel Fricain, has just been published.
Oct. 2012 Dominique Guillot, a former PhD student, was awarded a two-year postdoctoral scholarship from NSERC. Dominique has a postdoctoral position at Stanford University (California).
Sep. 2012 Javad Mashreghi and Thomas Ransford are the organizers of a session on 'Complex Analysis and Operator Theory' at the CMS Winter Meeting which will be held in Montréal, December 7-10.
Jan. 2012 Congratulations to Antoine Corriveau la Grenade who was awarded the Hydro-Québec 2nd cycle scholarship.
June 2011 Malik Younsi, a Ph.D student of Thomas Ransford, will received the Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal for 2010-2011. This award recognizes the excellence of his master thesis and, more generally, his outstanding educational achievements. He was chosen among 545 students who will received a master diploma this year.
June 2011 Mohsen Yousefnezhad, a future Ph.D student of Javad Mashreghi, was awarded the 2011 ISM Ph.D scholarship. This scholarship of $ 20 000 per year is granted for 2 years and renewable of another 2 years.
June 2011 André Boivin from the University of Western Ontario and Javad Mashreghi are the organizers of the conference Complexe Analysis and Potential Theory in honour of Paul M. Gauthier and Kohur Gowrisankaran. It will be held at the CRM, June 20-23, 2011.
June 2011 Emmanuel Fricain from the Univsersité Lyon I and Javad Mashreghi are the organizers of a conference on Blaschke Products and their Applications which will be held at the Fields Insitute, July 25-29, 2011.
Mai 2010 Congratulations to Yemon Choi who has been appointed assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan starting from July 1st, 2010.
Mai 2010 Congratulations to the 2010 scholars. Dominique Guillot was awarded a postdoctoral scholarship from FQRNT and the University of S. California. Mostafa Nasri was awarded a FQRNT postdoctoral scholarship. Jérôme Fortier was awarded a NSERC Ph.D. scholarship. Maxime Fortier Bourque was awarded a Ph.D. scholarship from NSERC and FQRNT. Malik Younsi was awarded a FQRNT Ph.D. scholarship and the Vanier scholarship. Patrick Munroe was awarded master scholarships from NSERC and FQRNT.
Apr 2010 The book Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions edited by Javad Mashreghi, Thomas Ransford and Kristian Seip has been published.
Mar 2010 Congratulations to Quentin Rajon who was awarded the Hydro-Québec 3rd cycle scholarship.
Oct 2009 Congratulations to Mahmood Shabankhah who was awarded a postdoctoral scholarship at Université Aix-Marseille.
June 2009 Malik Younsi, a newly graduated student, was just awarded the Médaille d’argent de la Gouverneure générale. Congratulations!
May 2009 Congratulations to Maxime Fortier Bourque who was awarded a NSERC Alexander Graham Bell master scholarship, to Patrice Rivard who was awarded a NSERC Ph.D. scholarship and to Jérôme Fortier who was awarded a FQRNT master scholarship.
May 2009 Javad Mashreghi, has been promoted to full professor with effect from June 1. Many congratulations!
Dec 2008 Javad Mashreghi is the author of a new book entitled "Representation Theorems in Hardy Spaces". For all details see Cambridge University Press.
Dec 2008 Conference Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions, December 8 to 12, 2008 at CRM (Montréal), organized by J. Mashreghi, T. Ransford, and K. Seip.
Sep 2008 We are pleased to announce the creation of the Fonds Racine pour des recherches en mathématiques whose first holder is Javad Mashreghi.
May 2008 Congratulations to Benoît Pouliot, Alexandre St-Onge and Malik Younsi who were awarded NSERC Alexander Graham Bell master scholarships and to Majid Jaberi Douraki who was awarded a postdoctoral FQRNT scholarship.
July 2007 The analysis group hosted, from July 4 to July 12, the biennial colloquium on Banach algebras. Please visit the colloquium web site for more information: Banach Algebras 2007.
June 2007 Congratulations to Patrice Rivard and Roland Rivard who were awarded FQRNT Ph.D. scholarships and to Sylvain Roy who was awarded a postdoctoral FQRNT scholarship.
May 2007 Congratulations to Dominique Brunet and Roland Rivard who were awarded Ph.D. NSERC scholarships, to Dominique Guillot who was awarded Ph.D. NSERC and FQRNT scholarships and to Majid Jaberi who was awarded a foreign student Ph.D. scholarship from FQRNT.
June 2006 Frédéric Gourdeau is honored again. He receives the 3M Teaching Fellowship Award. Congratulations!
May 2006 Congratulations to Patrice Rivard and Mahmood Shahbankhah who were awarded NSERC scholarships (master degree and Ph.D. degree respectively). Congratulations to Majid Jaberi who was awarded a Ph.D. degree scholarship from the Fondation de l'Université Laval.
Feb 2006 Frédéric Gourdeau will be awarded the 2006 CMS Excellence in Teaching Prize at the Society's 2006 summer meeting in Calgary. Congratulations!
Jan 2006 Javad Mashreghi is the author of a new book entitled "Analyse abstraite". For all details see the editor website: Loze-Dion.
Nov 2005 Congratulations to Jérémie Rostand who received the "professeur étoile" award for 2004-2005.
Juil 2005 Congratulations to Frédéric Gourdeau who was awarded the "Prix d'excellence en enseignement 2005 de l'Université Laval".
Juin 2005 Congratulations to Constantin Costara who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Applications des principes de maximum à certains problèmes elliptiques et paraboliques".
May 2005 Pascale Vitse, a former postdoctoral researcher in the analysis group, have obtained a Maître de conférences position at the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM) de l'Académie de Paris. Congratulations!
Apr 2005 One of our members, Frédéric Gourdeau, has been promoted to full professor with effect from June 1, 2005. Many congratulations!
Apr 2005 Congratulations to Dominique Guillot and Denis Landry who were awarded master degree scholarships and to Sylvain Roy and Michel Valley who were awarded Ph.D. degree scholarships.
Apr 2005 Congratulations to Mario Roy who has obtained an assistant professor position at York University. Starting July 2005, Prof. Roy will be working at Glendon College, the University's bilingual faculty.
Mar 2005 Congratulations to Abdellatif Bourhim who was awarded a CRM-ISM postdoctoral scholarship.
Nov 2004 Congratulations to Javad Mashreghi who was promoted to the rank of associate professor.
Nov 2004 Congratulations to Javad Mashreghi who was awarded the G. de B. Robinson Award from the CMS for his joint papers with Victor Havin published in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics in 2003.
May 2004 Congratulations to Constantin Costara who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Le problème de Nevanlinna-Pick spectral".
Apr 2004 One of our members, Line Baribeau, has been promoted to full professor with effect from June 1, 2004. Many congratulations!
Sep 2003 Two of our postdoctoral fellows, Mohamed Boumazgour and Ariel Blanco, have obtained university positions. The former is now assistant professor at Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco and the latter will be university lecturer at Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland starting fall 2004. In the meantime he will be a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Congratulations to both.
June 2003 Walter Hengartner, 1936-2003.
Mar 2003 Two analysis students were just awarded NSERC scholarships. Jean-Norbert Fournier will receive a Ph.D. scholarship and Michel Valley a master degree scholarship. Bravo!
Feb 2003 Bernard Aupetit, adjunct professor of the Departement of Mathematics and Statistics will receive the title of professor emeritus at the graduation ceremony on June 8th. Congratulations!
Jan 2003 A new professor, Jérémie Rostand, has joined the analysis research group. Welcome!
Nov 2002 The research group is proud to announce that one of its researchers, Thomas Ransford, has obtained a Canada research chair in Analysis. Congratulations!

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