Winter 2025 |
28 Mar, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Thomas Ransford (U. Laval) | To be announced
14 Mar, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Pierre-Olivier Parisé (UQTR) | To be announced
28 Feb, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Javad Mashreghi (U. Laval) | To be announced
14 Feb, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Jade Brisson | Bornes supérieures et ratios et écarts spectraux pour les valeurs propres de Steklov de produits tordus
7 Feb, 14:30 | via Zoom | Seminar | Mostafa Nasri (U. of Winnipeg) | Integrating Optimization Problems Through Mathematical Analysis
31 Jan, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma (U. Laval) | Entrywise transforms and positive definite matrices over finite fields
24 Jan, 14:30 | VCH-3820 | Seminar | Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma (U. Laval) | Beyond positivity preservers: Schoenberg's theorem for matrices with negative eigenvalues
Fall 2024 | 13 Dec, 14:30 | VCH-2820 | Seminar | Alexandre Girouard (U. Laval) | Isopérimétrie et écart spectral: symétries brisées ou cachées?
| 15 Nov, 14:30 | VCH-2820 | Seminar | Walton Green (U. de Washington) | Spaces of analytic functions and geometric control conditions
| 8 Nov, 14:30 | VCH-2820 | Seminar | Denis Grebenkov (École Polytechnique) | The Steklov spectral problem: asymptotic results and probabilistic applications
| 4 Oct, 14:30 | VCH-2820 | Seminar | William Verreault (U. of Toronto) | L'opérateur de Cesàro sur les espaces de Dirichlet locaux
| | Winter 2024 | 1 Mar, 14:00 | VCH-3840 | Seminar | Bartosz Malman (Mälardalen U.) | Clumps, and spectral clumps, for functions on the real line
| 2 Feb, 14:00 | VCH-3840 | Seminar | Ryan O'Loughlin (U. Laval) | Symmetric Tensor Products: An Operator Theory Approach
| 1 Feb, 15:00 | via Zoom | Seminar | Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma (U. of Regina) | Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks
| 26 Jan, 14:30 | via Zoom | Seminar | Deepak K.D. (ISI Bangalore) | Generalization of Sarason's Commutant Lifting Theorem to Polydisc
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